Saturday, August 20, 2011

Help the Soldiers!

Hey World!

Another issue close to my heart, being one myself, are the American service men and women.  Unfortunately, there are many veterans that have been severely wounded due to their service. These men and women deserve our utmost support. There is a wonderful organization Team Hope for the Warriors, that is working to raise money for these wounded veterans.  This organization was founded in 2006 by a group of Army wives trying to make a difference.  They organize and participate in many events to raise money for our wounded vets.  One of the largest events that participate in is the New York City Marathon. I happen to have a good friend who is raising money for this great organization by running the marathon. My friend Jack is currently attending the United States Military Academy and still has time to focus and train for this event.  His goal is to raise 3,000 dollars and hopefully with your help he can reach and exceed this goal. Please check out the link below and help Jack raise money for vets:

Jack's Donation Link

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

More on the East Africa Drought...

I've got more info for you on this drought in East Africa...

Go figure the militant group that is known for extremism, kid napping, murder and rape is cutting off the escape route for the starving.  While most of East Africa is suffering from this drought only two regions of Somalia have been declared by the UN to be suffering from Famine. Of course, these two areas are controlled by the Al-Shabab group of militant Islamist who are notorious for getting rid of any western influence including Somalia's transitional government.  The area is almost completely inaccessible to the outside world and now they aren't even letting their starving population leave.  It doesn't help that Somalia is the nation that pretty much neutralized the UN's military effectiveness.  If you remember a little incident known as Black Hawk Down you will know it as one of the worst situations the United States has been in since Vietnam, taking a tremendous amount of casualties.  All of this was while the US was working side by side with UN forces who pretty much showed their complete ineffectiveness by joining the fight hours late.  This event lead to the collapse of all foreign military support in Somalia.  You can follow the UN's military incompetence throughout the years from Somalia to the genocide in Rwanda to the recent mass rapes in the Congo.  So if you were hoping that the UN would send in an effective force to limit Al-Shabab's power think again.  The best thing that we can hope for is for international organizations and non-profits to save the lives of non-combatants.  One organization with a proven track record is the International Rescue Committee.  Founded at the suggestion of Albert Einstein they have been saving lives since 1933! If you want to help donate your time or money they are a serious organization to consider. Check out the link below.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Somalia Drought Leads to Further Recruitment of Child Soldiers

Hey World check out the link below:

Somalia Recruits Child Soldiers

I always find it amazing how little you see about Africa in the main stream news.  This article hits on several major topics dealing with Africa today: famine, war and the use of child soldiers.  Many of these issues have simply been ignored by much of the outside world.  While Somalia received international attention, this is mostly due in the past to warlords such as Mohamed Farrah Aidid (of Operation Gothic Serpent fame) and now Islamist Militant Groups such as Al-Shabab.  In both cases governments and human rights organizations have often withheld aid so that these groups could not gain power by taking control of the food, water and other materials provided.

Now that the Horn of Africa and Kenya are suffering from a severe draught the situation is becoming more urgent.  Often the only way to make a living in a sense or at least be able to eat is to fight for one of the many groups of rebels in the region particularly Al-Shabab.  Thankfully, government agencies are beginning to help. Unfortunately, if this help had been granted earlier this draught may have never led to faming. Better late then never though.

The best way to help is to inform yourself.  Check out the below link to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers:

Also, to the right is a link to help out the campaign Invisible Children.  They are an awesome organization, please check them out!

Hello World...

Life is an odd thing isn't it?  You can live on a planet so vast and so great and yet know so little about it.  We keep to ourselves so much that sometimes we forget that there is a whole world outside.  But in todays age as technology closes in it will become more and more difficult to hide.  From now on, I refuse to hide!  My hope is that you won't hide anymore either, and that you will share in all this world with me.  The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Hello World, I've Missed You!